We are proud of achieving success within our OBS project dealing with institutional customers: next to becoming the next Best Partner of 2016 we are also very pleased that Veronika Hanakova, our sales representative, won a special reward for taking 4th place within the Czech Republic.
Further, we want to express our big thanks for the year-round work to all of our Vodafone business representatives, Back Office and Telesales teams and, last but not least, to Radim Derych, the project manager, and Jiri Konvicka, the team and project leader.
Finally, dear VODAFONE CZ, thanks for trusting in us - We´re going on and on!
Other articles

RE/MAX - EFSETE teammates on RE/MAX Convention 2024
We are proud that we, as the whole team of RE/MAX Centrum Ostrava, which is part of the Field force projects of EFSETE, participated in an important meeting of the RE/MAX real estate family in the Czech Republic - RE/MAX Convention 2024 Czech Republic. This annual event is a unique opportunity where all RE/MAX brokers and representatives of RE/MAX real estate agencies from all over the Czech Republic come together to celebrate the achievements of the past year 2023. Not only did we have the privilege to...

New Year's EFSETE party in 90s style
On January 12, 2023, our traditional New Year's party was held, this time enriched with the charm and style of the 1990s. This unique event provided us with an exceptional opportunity to come together in a friendly atmosphere, reflect on the achievements we have made in 2023 and look forward to the challenges and opportunities that 2024 will bring.
The party was marked not only by fun and relaxation, but also by appreciation and thanks. Live music by the band, DJ and the performance of the well-known...

SAZKA in Šantovka, Olomouc
And so we took over and reopened the 3rd branch/kiosk of SAZKA!
This time in the Šantovka shopping centre in Olomouc.
This is a super next step in our retail activities.
Thanks to SAZKA for their trust and to our whole EFSETE Retail team for another great job!
And you feel free to come and bet!
Have a nice day. EFSETE Team.

VODAFONE Road Show 2023
One part of our EFSETE/Vodafone crew on the Ostrava part of the Vodafone Road Show as part of the MISSION for better customer satisfaction of Vodafone customers.
It was very nice and beneficial to be in the right place at the right time !
Thanks Vodafone!

We have had a great BLACK & WHITE New Year's Eve party, which took place on 13.1.2023 in the Zaječský vinný sklep restaurant. More than 150 of us gathered and we were glad that we could meet informally after a long covid period and discuss even non-work things. We also announced and rewarded the best colleagues for 2022 from the RETAIL, TELESALES, FIELD FORCE verticals as well as from our operations team and remembered once again our colleagues who we have rewarded for their loyalty during the year,...

Merry Christmas 2022 and Happy New Year 2023!
Thank you to all our business partners, employees and colleagues for a SUPER cooperation in 2022, we wish everyone the coolest Christmas and a great year 2023!

SAZKA Ostrava Globus
As part of our retail projects, we managed to open another SAZKA branch in Ostrava before Christmas. This time in Globus in Ostrava. We are happy for the further expansion of our cooperation. And we thank our partner SAZKA for their trust!!!
We would also like to thank our colleagues who participated in the opening and those who will work at the branch.
So come to Globus and place your bets - you will find us right next to the cash desks and the pharmacy shop :-)

NATURPHARMA - Cooperation with a major Bulgarian pharmaceutical company
We have completed the first year of cooperation with Naturpharma, a Bulgarian pharmaceutical company, which we helped to enter the Czech market with an innovative dietary supplement Mieloguard (https://mieloguard.cz/)
We participated in the
✅ Marketing strategy,
✅ professional translations,
✅ creation of marketing messages and materials,
✅ television campaign
✅ listing at distributors,
✅ listing at chains.
But most of all, we help with
✅ product promotion at pharmacies and dostors through some of...

Vodafone Business Field Partner of the Year
In the regular annual announcement of the best Vodafone partners in the Indirect Business Field departmnent, we were once again "ON TOP" in the 2021/2022 fiscal year and took the super 3rd place!!!
Thank you...
- Vodafone for the trust and the award!!!
- and to the entire EFSETE team for a great job!!!

New Vodafone shop - Ostrava Avion
We have just opened a brand new Vodafone store for Vodafone in Avion shopping park in Ostrava. This is the last Vodafone store that has not yet been under our management. We have come a long and difficult way. We would like to thank everyone involved for their help and support and Vodafone for their trust. We will not fail!

EFSETE wishes you a great Christmas and a successful year 2022
To all our clients, partners, employees, colleagues and fans...
We wish you a Merry Christmas
Thank you for your cooperation and support in 2021 and
to 2022 we wish you health, happiness and success!!!
EFSETE Team :-)

Gifts for St. Zdislava Asylum
Also this year before Christmas we decided to help someone. Again, together as a company, as a team. And again, all our colleagues could suggest who we would help. And the final choice fell on our "home" charity organization Charita Ostrava. Specifically, the shelter for mothers with children called House of St. Zdislava, located in Ostrava Zábřeh.
The mission of this facility is to support mothers with children, women with children entrusted to their care or pregnant women, who have fallen into an...

Ostrava "flagship" Vodafone store under EFSETE management
We greet you from our Vodafone store in Forum Nová Karolina Ostrava, which now belongs to our network of stores from 1.4.2021.
Experienced team of professionals managed to achieve the best results in the first month since the beginning of 2021.
High praise and we look forward to further sales growth associated with the post-covid reopening of all stores in the shopping centers, finally!

Wave of mortgages also in EFSETE
Our partners, with whom we cooperate within the FIELD FORCE sales vertical and the EFSETE Reality - RE/MAX Centrum project, include GEPARD FINANCE, one of the largest mortgage brokers in the Czech Republic.
The just completed Q1 2021 was our most successful quarter in the entire period of cooperation. Almost CZK 100 billion worth of mortgages were executed in the Czech Republic in Q1 2021 and we are very pleased that our mortgage team also participated in this. "We rode this mortgage wave and increased...

Empty everywhere.... nobody, nowhere, but our TELESALES is going full blast.
How so?
In our call centres in Karviná and Ostrava we are still and for almost a year now completely on Home Office. Thanks to our excellent IT department headed by Jiří Kuchař and modern technologies, we manage the entire call centres and operations remotely.
But we believe that the situation will soon change and we will meet all our colleagues again in our beautiful offices.

EFSETE Heroes 4Q 2020
Even in the last quarter of 2020, we did not forget to reward the best among us by awarding them with the EFSETE Hero title for the most significant work performance that has helped us the most to meet the goals of our partners and take care of the customers entrusted to us.
The Heroes for each month are:
EFSETE Hero title for October went to Patrik Bíma
The EFSETE Hero title for November was awarded to Denisa Rederová
The EFSETE Hero title for December was awarded to Pavel Netopil:
Congratulations to all...

Happy Xmas and Better 2021 to ALL of you!
2020 has been extremely tough for all of us. Without any chance to get ready for such hardship, we had to take the bull by the horns and hope that the path we had decided to take would be the right one. And this is not to talk solely about our own business, of course. You can hardly find any field of operation or an individual not afflicted by this cruel time.
Keeping in mind all of you – our business partners, employees, co-workers, and also the ones who follow our social media or browse our...

MerXu – New Call Center Project
This year has been arranging a challenge by challenge for us. It´s a big pleasure to say here that we have succeeded in establishing a new partnership with MerXu company.
This new “colleague” of us is a sales platform for Central European and East European companies operating in B2B sector both for small and medium-sized enterprises, and large-scale operators. The platform of MerXu presents a secure business environment that links time-tested purchasers and marketers while enabling them to carry out...

Having become a business partner of NEXARS company, we help with sales and distribution of a new precautionary health care programme for enterprises and organizations.
Resulting from a research that has included 34,000 employees of Škoda Auto company, the programme ensures:
▶ help with protection against acute respiratory diseases, which contributes to à
▶ REAL decrease of incapacity for work, which leads to à
In these days, when it is a pressing problem to ensure healthy...

10 Years with EFSETE
Another milestone is here! 10-year cooperation. Hereby, we are paying tribute to our colleague Jana Konvičková who has been a part of EFSETE since 2010, i.e. actually, since the very beginning. Currently she is in charge of all company controlling and also works as our company attorney.
Thousands and thousands of documents have gone through her hands, she is always here for us when the CEO representing our firm is not available or, when we are at loss to cope with an administrative issue.

RE/MAX Centrum Ostrava
As all around, everything is in motion. Well, then also in our company things are changing over time. While one business partnership finishes, another one is born.
Real estate market is not a novelty for us. You certainly know about our cooperation with the real estate division of Česká spořitelna. Soon after finishing this partnership we succeeded in making a deal with another contractor and inaugurated a new RE/MAX Centrum Ostrava for our clients. Its experienced team led by the director of the...

5 Years with EFSETE
Five years together … Antonín, Dita, Sylva, Pavla, Jiřina and Hanka, that´s the group of six colleagues who at the beginning of this May celebrated their fifth anniversary of drawing together in EFSETE Call Centre, though almost each of them is involved in a different project.
Antonín works as the Call Centre director; Dita is a team leader responsible for the Sberbank project and running of Gorenje and Remax hotline;Sylva, Pavla, Jiřina and Hanka are specialists in charge of sales promotion and...

The Best Sales Representative of Vodafone Comes From EFSETE
The man whose name is pronounced frequently and appreciatively not only in our company but now also by our business partner, Vodafone, is Martin Horčička!
In his segment, Martin took the first place and won the title of the Best Sales Representative of Vodafone 2019.
The award was given to him by Miroslav Filip himself, the National Manager, in Jablonec nad Nisou, the place where Martin had started his career n Vodafone.
Now, Martin, you earn our admiration. So, let us thank you very much once...

SAZKA – Kicking Off New Branch in Ostrava
We are always happy to succeed in pulling off a new cooperation, nota bene now, when retail is coping with this COVID-19 crisis.
Since August, we have been running a first official branch office of SAZKA a.s. in Ostrava, which is in Avion Shopping Park.
Having a share in meeting goals of our partners is a crucial matter for us. It fills us with pride and satisfaction that we can contribute to SAZKA´s sales increase. Moreover, we believe that thanks to using our professional experience we can also...

EFSETE Heroes 2Q 2020
Assessing the best working performances has been going on and on. The results of the three previous months show that the ones of us who contributed most to successful achievement of our business partners´ goals and to providing the best customer care, are aptly called the EFSETE Heroes. The winners of the 2nd quarter 2020 became:
Přemysl Vajda who won the title of April´s EFSETE Hero. Unfortunately, due to Covid restrictions he had to stop his career of a Vodafone Retail Specialist and had to change...

Sberbank – Helpline, Launch of Cooperation
Sberbankhas been one of our business partners for some time. In the frame of our outsourcing service, we address their existing bank clients and deal with CVM activities.
Currently, we are extending our cooperation and launching full customer service. Thus, our ranks have increased – we had welcomed another team of new colleagues working in shifts and solving comprehensive requests of Sberbank´s clients.
One would think that in such difficult time we have been confronted with, embarking on anything...

EFSETE´s Facelift
Since 1 June 2020 all of us have been on one floor. Our goal was to be together without constant going up and down the stairs, and so we decided to launch a vast reconstruction to move our offices onto one level workplace.
Terming that process of renovation vast is not exaggerated at all. The changes were really extensive, and you can tell them a mile off. Just come and see us! The entrance room is now equipped with a brand-new front desk occupied by a smiling receptionist ready to welcome and help all...

VODAFONE PARTNER of the Year, 2019
Vodafone Partner of the Year is an annual event in which we are extremely glad to participate regularly.
At this occasion, within the segment of Indirect Business Fields all partners´ business results of the past fiscal year are assessed. We are happy that our common all year´s effort was worth it, that once again, with a glow of satisfaction, we could stand on the winner´s podium. Out of all participants, we were placed third. We had been working hard, indeed.
Perfect work of our back-office...

EFSETE Heroes 1Q 2020
IIt´s 2020 and we have been going on awarding the best ones and their great working achievements. In the end of the first quarter of the year we concluded that those of our teams who had helped the most to meet our business partners´ targets, and therefore deserve our recognition and the title of EFSETE Hero, are:
January 2020: Edita Pásková, working as a sales specialist for our Vodafone shop. In January, she exceeded her determined goal and achieved amazing 174% percent.
February 2020:...

Working from Home
Each new era calls for new solutions. As in case of many other businesses, our company has also been significantly affected by this pandemic time. Though for such considerable changes could none of us be ready, thanks to the whole EFSETE team we have been coping with all inconveniences and, when it´s allowed by the government directives, we continue to assist our business partners to meet their sales and care targets. Our bonus resides in the finding that we are able to do well as an effective team...

International Women's Day in EFSETE
About 80 % of our team are women and therefore the International Women´s Day belongs to particularly important and festive days of the year in our company. Using this occasion, we want to honour all our women staff and thank them very much for everything they do for us. We do appreciate all their support and know that next to carrying out their demanding roles, they are a drivetrain and everyday inspiration for us.
Traditionally, the congratulations were presented to our female co-workers by the...

New Partnership EFSETE Pharma - E&B Pharma and Pharmaselect CZ
We are pleased to inform you, that our division EFSETE Pharma has launched a cooperation with other new companies, namely E&B Pharma s.r.o. and Pharmaselect CZ s.r.o.
In the Czech Republic, E&B Pharma s.r.o. represents foreign companies dealing with business activities in OTC and Rx fields. Their portfolio involves three main categories: Pain Management * Common Cold * Thrombosis and Venous Troubles.
Pharmaselect CZ s.r.o.represents an Austrian company Pharmaselect International Beteiligungs GmbH. In its...

Welcoming 2020: EFSETE New Year´s Red Party
A year ago, instead of a pre-Christmas party we held a New Year´s celebration. And having found welcoming the calendrical newcomer even more pleasurable than saying good-bye to the past twelve months, we decided to repeat that novelty and enjoy another cool New Year´s party again! The point of our Red Party, as we had named it, was to be wearing anything in a colour shade of scarlet, crimson, ruby, or maroon. At the same time, we were celebrating the tenth anniversary of EFSETE formation. The party...

EFSETE Heroes 4Q 2019
The last quarter of the year has its Heroes of 2019. Those, who by means of their outstanding performances contributed to meeting goals of our business partners in the fourth quarter of 2019, are:
October´s title EFSETE Hero was given to Jiří Sýkora who as a Real Estate Specialist is a part of RSČS department. Within October he completed successfully three real estate transactions, one of which dealt with a whole block of flats. He himself fulfilled 80% of both of our subsidiaries. Moreover, it...

Setting up Brand New Cooperation with Fresh Point!
We are proud to be chosen by Fresh Point in order to ensure building a team of representatives determined to sell their fantastic service: a smart and design refrigerator that is stuffed with health and modern technologies. This newest wrinkle enables employers, which really care about their employees´ comfort and want to provide them with as favourable working conditions as possible while offering them tasty and healthy food just at the workplace.
Do you feel like some drink, a fresh and tasty snack,...

EFSETE wishes you a super Christmas and a successful 2020
We wish all our business partners, employees, co-workers and also our fans the most relaxing Christmas and a very successful year 2020 !!
Good luck to all of us !!!

Already 7th EFSETE´s Vodafone shop!!!
In the frame of constant strengthening of our partnership with Vodafone, in November 2019 we opened another Vodafone outlet. We are proud to state here that during our seven-years retail partnership this is the seventh outlet we have been operating for Vodafone in North Moravia.
To do so, first of all we have to look for an appropriate location, secondly built a functional and attractive shop. Finally, the shortlisted candidates must go through a specialized training to be able to do their jobs for...

Namman Muay® - New EFSETE Pharma business partner
It´s a great pleasure for us to let you know that EFSETE Pharma, one of our divisions providing outsourcing of direct sales and customer care in the pharmacy field on the Czech market, has launched brand new cooperation with Namman Muay® and become an exclusive seller of this trademark on the Czech pharmaceutical market. These products that are in high demand not only in Thailand started to be offered to Czech customers by our representatives and promoters in November 2019. The preparations are...

EFSETE Cup 2019
Trying to keep our good work-life balance, every year we organize a few after work activities in which all EFSETE teams can meet and socialise, do some sports … just to enjoy some fun together. So once again, on 18th October 2019, being eager to compete in the badminton tournament EFSETE Cup 2019, a large part of us flocked at the sports facility of Trojhalí Ostrava. On several courts, all afternoon we were waging relentless fights against each other. The ones who weren´t playing at the moment were...

Vodafone and UPC Merging into One
In the frame of entire EFSETE´s business activities, the partnership with Vodafone is the longest-lasting one. We are very proud of this thriving relationship and are sincerely happy about any of this multinational company´s achievements. Therefore, 1st August 2019, the day when business integration of UPC CR and Vodafone was officially launched, is considered to be an extraordinary date by us. This important acquisition, which had been planned for several months, was approved by the European...

EFSETE Enjoys Beach Volleyball Tournament
In early summer, as usual, we organised an outdoor company event. Within this annual reunion of all EFSETE staff including its external co-workers we always enjoy socialising, have some nice refreshment and, besides, do some sports activity or other fun such as competing in a go-cart race, which, incidentally, was the last year´s pastime. However, this year´s choice fell on a beach volleyball tournament. And, due to the fact that many of us have children, we again agreed upon interconnecting this...

EFSETE Celebrates its 10th Anniversary!!!
It´s beyond belief but true: As if it was yesterday when we established EFSETE - the team of active people full of enthusiasm for theirs jobs in the world of direct sales a customer care who help remarkable brand names operating on the Czech market to meet their ambitious sales and caregiving targets. Though the time passed so quickly it has been a long trip from the very first sales representative to more than 160-member team. Of course, we had to climb up the greasy pole – next to all of the...

FRUITISIMO BIO Cups – Fighting For Healthier World
For us, Fruitisimo,
is not only so-called Love Brand, but also a major customer that in the world
of retail has decided to entrust outsourcing of their activities to EFSETE.
Well, what to expect of such strong and progressive trademark? Of course, to
set a good example!
when discussing what the type of drink containers to use, we arrived at
unanimous decision: eco-friendly cups made of maize, that´s it! After all,
fighting for healthier world is one the goals constantly strived for by

International Women´s Day in EFSETE
8th March became an annual tradition for us to pay tribute to our beautiful and cherished female colleagues to manifest our admiration and respect for everything they do for us in our lives – Let´s face it, guys, it´s not always easy with us, right?
Without you, our dear ladies, we could hardly exist. The entire team of EFSETE consists of some 140 people, of which 75% are women, and that´s really a lot!
So, this yearly international event is definitely the best day to give our genuine thanks to the...

A Usual Christmas Party Superseded by a NEW YEAR´s One :-)
The night was full of surprises – until the very last moment, no one had an idea about the programme.
In the pleasant environment of Klubu Parník,Ostrava we enjoyed various delicacies included a special drink mixed by EFSETE. At the occasion of being together with all 2018 HEROs of EFSETE, we also announced the SUPERHERO of the year. It was a great fun to see the performance by Divadlo improvizace ODVAZ, into which some of...

EFSETE Helps – We were on TV!
Following previous years, in 2018 we naturally went on helping those in need! After the beneficent event named “Help Julinka” we got involved in providing another charity donation for children again. We participated in a talent show hold by a non-profit organisation, the charitable trust Eurotopia CZ. and took charge of a jury. At the same time, playing a role of the main partner in the event, we contributed tablets as major prizes to the contest. We were also happy to see children enjoying our...

Vodafone CUP 2018
We had quite a busy summer and we were definitely not bored. Vodafone traditionally organizes a football tournament and this year we received an invitation.
As a representative of EFSETE, we were represented by experienced footballer Antonín Novosad. According to him, their quality was really up to standard, but they gladly left the 1st place to others :-).
We are glad that we can participate in such informal events and we thank Vodafone for a great organization and invitation :-).

EFSETE Hero - June 2018
This month, the title of EFSETE Hero together with the Challenge Cup is back with the team of VODAFONE shops – specifically in Karvina.
Lucie Sankova gets her reward for excellent sales numbers and perfectly independent running of the above-mentioned shop.
Lucy is always friendly and positive, though ensuring entire operation of the shop is nearly always dependent on her – she is responsible for meeting sales goals, coping with all admin, mystery shopping etc.
So, thank you very much, Lucy!...

We´re Opening a Brand New EFSETE Reality Branch – RSČS
2018 meant a lot of changes and new beginnings for us. We grabbed all opportunities and got down to work. You might have already heard here that we had opened a new Call Centre. Then, related to our successful cooperation with RSČS (the Real Estate comp. of Česká spořitelna), next to its office in Ostrava, we have opened another branch at Frýdek-Místek.
In case you are interested in any sales, rent or just our consultancy, we will be looking forward to welcome you at our new address: J.V.Sládka...

FRUITISIMO Scoop Ice Cream Masters
Summer's here, and that means one thing and one thing only: It's ice cream season! Our cheerful and highly motivated Fruitisimo barmaids picked up the gauntlet and enthusiastically joined the competition in mastery of piling up ice cream scoops. The rules of the contest were very simple - to pile up as many scoops of ice cream into one cone (or cup) as possible.
In this one-month competition we took beautiful second place out of all 45 juice bars involved in the event. We got a financial price...

EFSETE Hero - May 2018
Finally, after 4 months, EFSETE Hero´s title accompanied with the Challenge Cup gets back to our Call Centre. Dagmar Ruzickova, who is involved in VODAFONE project, got rightly the award for her extraordinary performance.
The above-named winner finished her three successful months in sales by achieving so called HAS 14057 together with gaining the biggest number of combined offers, which with respect to the competitive business is not a plain task at all. Nevertheless, we find Dagmar, our “eager...

In the frame of our project named EFSETE Helps we have got an idea – How about doing something funny and helpful at the same time? As we know, the very first day of June is dedicated to celebration of our offspring. So, this time, we decided to enjoy the event together and do it in sort of non-traditional way:We have become a sponsor of a charity and got involved in Fundraising in Support of Julinka. The little girl Julin
have got an idea – How about doing something funny and helpful at the same...

EFSETE Hero - April 2018
Would you like to know our Hero of April 2018? Well, this time, finding the best one was not such a difficult task – though in April it was just a year since the winner has worked for EFSETE, he achieved an outstanding performance in sales. The result become a real milestone in the frame of VODAFONE Retail project´s best results.
The title Hero of April 2018 was quite rightfully given to Ondrej Klezl from our VODAFONE branch office in Ostrava Trebovice. His extraordinary performance included...

EFSETE Hero - March 2018
The amount of our company Heros is extending step by step – we are delighted to welcome another member of the awarded ones. Hero number 3 is Martin Horcicka working for VODAFONE Field department.
As for our Indirect department of VODAFONE Business Sales, a sales representative´s performance is evaluated according to so called BSML achievements. And, in March 2018, that was Martin who shined at this domain and achieved an awesome result! Such daring assessment of his extraordinary performance is...

Within EFSETE Pharma project we have started cooperation with SynCare, a first Czech company dealing with so called “derma cosmetics”. Their wide portfolio offers preservative-free BIO products provided with a CZ-BIO-KEZ-01 certificate (issued by the Czech Certification Authority).
To share the information about these products with our employees, in cooperation with our pharmaceutical representatives we have prepared a “Beauty Day”. Not each of us is aware of the fact that next to other...

EFSETE Hero - February 2018
Promises should be redeemed. The month passed so quickly and there it goes! It´s a big pleasure for us to introduce you another EFSETE Hero, Alexandra Hircova (called Alex ) from Fruitisimo, Opava.
Working for Fruitisimo means to do the job of barman with zest, to promote a healthy lifestyle while serving each and every customer smilingly and friendly.
Alex was given this recognition for her extraordinary attitude to work beyond the frame of her duties and for an excellent presentation of our...

VODAFONE Salesman 2018
We are very proud of saying that thanks to performances of our sales representatives we regularly participate in this event. This year the function was held in Spindleruv Mlyn where three of our salespeople - Martin Horcicka, Tomas Kratky and Radim Sablik - were invited.
The programme was opened with an incentive talk “Your Way . The Way of Inner Victory” by Pavel Moric. As the event took place in the mountains during winter season, active recreation in the open air was naturally included in the...

International Women´s Day in EFSETE
A given flower represents love. A flower given by us shows that we do appreciate our female colleagues and thank them very much for a great family atmosphere they bring to our company every day.
And women are abundant in our company, you bet! Therefore, such special day deserves a special delivery service! Our project managers were all smiles and delighted to distribute more than 80 flowers.
So, our dear ladies and beloved female colleagues working across all EFSETE departments, let us thank you...

EFSETE Hero - January 2018
EFSETE Hero....That´s how we are going to call our „hero“ (or for ladies „heroine“, of course
It needn´t always be an extraordinary sales result. It can be just an action for which the person in question has made an above-standard effort beyond the call of their duty.
Each month within individual projects, our managers nominate the best worker who is going to take over the Challenge Cup labelled with their name and passed to them by the executive manager of the company.
In January, it was...

EFSETE New Year´s Gathering
The very first big event of this year was a gathering of EFSETE´s top managers.
The main topic of the meeting was summarizing and assessing the past year 2017 – both in individual projects and in terms of the company as a complex. Next to 2017 assessment, each project manager´s presentation included targets set for the following quarter of the year. Representatives of the operation department introduced their visions for 2018. The afternoon programme included talking about company goals...

JOBfest Ostrava 2018 – Job Fair
We are very glad to say that for two years we have been a part of the JOBfest fair, a unique event giving people an opportunity to present their working potential and, at the same time, to mediate meetings of the general public and representatives of attractive regional employers.
Our reinforced team was very busy to assure that our applicants would leave the event provided with comprehensive information.
The successful second year is
over, and we are looking forward to the following one.

Last year X-mas presents for our business partners were made by our children. We were sure that to overperform a “REAL WISH” included in their pieces of work was hardly feasible. Therefore, we attempted to do something ourselves – we laid our heads together, put ourselves into Christmas atmosphere, armed with peelers and wooden spoons and… our speciality named “EFSETElade”, an ideal spread for our traditional Christmas sweet bread (which is something like an Italian panettone or German...

If you want to see how we enjoyed our Christmas party, just go and see
our company Facebook Pages.
This year, our X-mas party was very different from the one a year ago. In 2016, we shook our legs in the rhythm of Grease, whereas our last company year-end bash was in the spirit of folklore. The atmosphere was just great! In an attractive and cosy environment of Zajecsky Wine Cellar we enjoyed a live dulcimer band, traditional Moravian delicacies and excellent wine flowing all night . After 2017...

In our company, men work across all departments. By means of EFSETE Helps project, we are aimed at raising public awareness of men´s health issues and sharing MOVEMBER idea. Many of us have become Mo Bro and Mo Sis: To support men´s health we had a moustache grown and collected for this charity the amount of 2,500 Czech crowns.
So, let´s talk about the burning issues of our times and make our husbands, daddies, boy-friends, brothers or just men acquaintances go and see their doctors. Let´s do our...

So it begins! Our retail projects are being upgraded. In September, we started in Ostrava - Forum Nova Karolina – and named this innovation “3Ns”. Well, what do the three Ns stand for?
New trendy design
New comfortable seating
New wider offer
In these days, not only you can enjoy a healthy drink or freshen yourselves with a scoop of ice-cream, but there is a wide choice of salty delicacies, cakes or sundaes.
For all the work done in the frame of giving a facelift to this kiosk we must...

A year with FRUITISIMO
We can say that we have one successful year behind us which was definitely a reason to celebrate it with good food and drink. Lukáš Carbajo, the manager of the project said: "I find the one year cooperation with Fruitisimo successful. It was not easy for us to enter the "gastro-world" which specializes in healthy lifestyle nevertheless it is a pleasure to work with fresh ingredience and sell helthy products.
We are very proud that we have opened three Fruitisimo stores already, where one of them was...

A get together of Vodafone's fifteen best sales representatives for the Czech Republic
It was not long ago when Vodafone's best sales representatives for the Czech Republic met up in Konětická Hora in a beautiful Golf and Spa Resort. They took part in a workshop which concentrated on etiquette, specifically how to behave towards customers. After the hard work and inspirational workshop they all went for a game of golf which was very enjoyable as you can see from the photo. The aim of this get together was to learn something new, share new ideas and tricks in selling but mainly to have...

Opening of Vodafone store in Opava
We have opened a new Vodafone store in Breda&Weinstein shopping center in Opava. We tried to listen to our customer's demands which included extended opening hours and easier parking in the city center. It must be said that the reconstruction of the shop was rather hard work nevertheless it was worth it. We are very happy to announce that there are already seven Vodafone stores - two in Opava and one in Ostrava, Havířov, Třinec, Karviná and Nový Jičín.
Please, come and see us. You will find us...

8th Anniversary of the founding of the company- the premiere of the RUN TEAM on the quarter marathon
We are a company that sets higher goals each year. By the 8th anniversary of the founding of the company, we said that we would overcome ourselves. We ran our first quarter marathon as a TEAM.
Petr Gajdušek, Managing Director, says:
"Quartermaraton is symbolic as the 8th year development of our company. At the beginning there is a lot of energy, motivation, determination to do something, and then all a long way to go. Crisis may come, such as sticking in the side, one has the idea to give up, but once...

Sports Wednesday - We went out of the office. Once in a while, we need to get out of work, so we've decided that it's high time. We organized our first EFSETE BADMINTON CUP 2017. The original spaces in Trojhalí Nová Karolina were truly surprised for many of us. At this place a rustic architecture was restored and now there is a very nice environment for sports activities.
We have put together about 30 two-member teams who played against each other and fight for the medals and the best of the cups. The...

EFSETE REALITY extends its reach
We are pleased to announce that EFSETE Reality s.r.o. with effect from May 1st 2017 it became a new franchise partner of Realitní společnost Česká spořitelna a.s. for Frýdek-Místek region. We can provide our clients with a 100% service not only in Ostrava and its surroundings, but also in Beskydy region where great opportunities exist both in standard housing and in holiday homes and land. This also opens opportunities for those interested in working as a real estate broker for the aforementioned...

New store Fruitisimo in Opava in OC Breda
We celebrated World Health Day by opening a new branch of Fruitisimo in the Breda shopping center in Opava.
Health and lifestyle are two areas that are inseparably linked. Which is why we have also gone this way.
So, even in Opava, Fruitisimo & EFSETE has been opened three times together. Thank you for your trust !!!!

International Women's Day
Only some international holidays in our company retained the same credit after 1989 as in the pre-November period, but MDIs certainly belong to them. But the nature of the celebrations has already been set a little differently - women and their work really appreciate it. We strive to create a working environment and a friendly team to make women feel comfortable and comfortable. Sometimes we want to motivate them, sometimes we want to pamper our women and that's why we each gave them a flower on...

EET Forum Conference at Clarion Hotel, Ostrava 15 February, 2017
In order for the traders to be able to prepare for the 2nd phase of launching the EET, the Ministry of Finance prepared an EET Forum conference in Ostrava with the direct participation of Andrei Babis, Minister of Finance and departmental methodologists. Our company, through Vladimir Skupien, took part in this event, which helped all those interested to better understand how the EET is working and how to prepare it for example by purchasing suitable terminals and other facilities. We are now ready to...

JOBfest Ostrava 2017: one of the largest trade fairs in Moravia
On 10th of February 2017 we participated in the JOBfest work fair in AVION Shopping Park Ostrava, which gave us the opportunity not only to present but also to find potential employees. We presented the vacancies we currently offer and what we are dealing with. We did not know what to expect from JOBfest, but exceeded our expectations, especially in attendance. Of course, we also saw the participation as an advertisement. We believe that we can meet you together for the next year so we can introduce...

The only partner shop VODAFONE in Ostrava-Třebovice
EFSETE operates six VODAFONE partner stores in the Moravian-Silesian Region and the first store in Ostrava. The store is located within the shopping center Ostrava Gallery in Ostrava-Třebovice, it is open 7 days a week and provides comprehensive services. For example, customers contacted by our Call Center can then take advantage of full customer service and address some other non-standard requests by visiting the store. The store also provides a background for corporate customer visits, where our...

Launching a new EFSETE REALITY project and creating a new RSČS representation
The cooperation with Real Estate Česká spořitelna is the new project launched within the EFSETE Group. We operate together franchise EFSETE Reality s.r.o. in the Moravian-Silesian Region. Real estate is a commodity that is stable at any given time and offers synergies the opportunity to implement all related real estate sales activities for clients such as real estate financing, securing related services (moving, reconstruction, cleaning).
EFSETE Reality will deal with all standard attributes of real...

Christmas party of EFSETE at the end of 2016
The Christmas corporate meeting at the end of this year we have prepared a non-traditional "Pomada" movie with a lot of surprises this year. We looked at a cross-section of activities and activities across the company and evaluated the results achieved within each department. 2016 brought EFSETE a number of challenges in the form of new energy, gastronomy, pharmacy and other projects. The new project "EFSETE Helps" was introduced, which we started by visiting and handing out gifts to children in a...

Annual meeting of POWER UP VODAFONE
Representatives of EFSETE met Mr. Sharma Balesh, CEO of VODAFONE Czech Republic at the annual POWER UP meeting in Ostrava. After a short presentation showing VODAFONE's main goals for the end of 2016 and the beginning of 2017, we exchanged with Mr. Balesh practical knowledge of how customers see us and what their expectations are.

Pharmanews Conference, Brno, CR
For several years, Pharmanews Conference events have become a traditional meeting of pharmacists and an occasion to introduce companies´ news to market. This year, our company has also got a chance to participate in this popular happening in Brno and launch Silvanols portfolio, which was accorded a warm welcome of Pharmanews visitors.
Over a long period, it has been proved that natural products are the latest trends and in addition to that, experts also find this kind of therapy effective and...

Company sporting event with our children – beach volleyball tournament
To finish this summer, we decided to organize a company sporting day focused on beach volleyball tournament. Eight teams fought fiercely in this Olympic discipline. We didn´t fail to involve our staff´s offspring either – the children were charged to decorate our faces, carry out particular assignments, participate in team competitions and support their parents of course. So the last summer day (according to the weather) definitely turned out very well including the subsequent night party which...

Pharma – launch of a new project
An introductory training launched our brand new pharmaceutical project. Since August 1, 2016 we have been active representatives of SILVANOLS, the outstanding Latvian GREEN PHARMA company.
Our sales team is ready to offer Czech market natural food supplements, medical supplies and over-the-counter drugs. Thus, we can supply power of nature for overall health promotion by means of perfectly natural way. Thanks to use of Silvanols products you will boost your immune system, bring your body an effective...

New MND Customer Centre
Our intensive efforts finally issued in opening a brand new and modern MND (Moravské Naftové Doly, Plc) Customer Centre in downtown Ostrava on 21 July, 2016. This already third MND Customer Centre office of our company client is set in Nova Karolina Office Park amidst a newly urbanized area, which forms an imaginary gate opening from the historical heart of Ostrava and lies in the immediate vicinity of Shopping & Leisure Centre Forum Nová Karolina. The customer service team underwent a demanding...

Fruitisimo in Shopping & Leisure Centre Forum Nová Karolina
At the beginning of June this year we expanded the range of our GASTRO-activities and opened a FRUITISIMO stall in the premises of Shopping & Leisure Centre Forum, Nová Karolina. Come and make your choice from a wide range of goodies, delicious ice creams and refreshing drinks offered to you by our smiley crew. ´LIVE WHAT YOU LOVE´, the slogan of Fruitisimo brand does depict its products qualities very precisely meaning healthy and active life style, fun and everlasting smile accompanied with...

EFSETE is moving its office
In connection with branching our business activities, growing number of staff and launching new projects (Call Centre, Pharma, Energy and Gastro), in May 2016 we moved our office to new modern premises in the business centre in 3339/5, Roháčova street, Ostrava. We strived to create suitable working conditions to enable our staff using of their potential in friendly and up-to-date environment.
Thus, in one building one can find both the company´s headquarters, management of particular projects, call...

New design of VODAFONE stores
During Spring 216 we were going on effectuation of brand new design of our VODAFONE stores. After finishing stores in Havířov we proceeded to refurbish branches in Karviná and Třinec. The refurbishments meet requirements of the latest trends both in style and added comfort of customer service in mobile and data communication. Apart from these changes we also moved the store placed in Karviná to a new address.
Thanks to that our salespersons are again better prepared of a kind to help customers...

2015, Assessment of EFSETE results
Before the end of 2015 we gathered together again at an annual company X-mas meeting to assess the achieved results according to particular departments and projects. During the event, the most successful salespersons and other staff with best results working in stores, the call centre or sales representative area were announced and awarded. Another item on the agenda included introduction of 2017 business plan and further company visions and objectives. Of course, we also had a great chance to get...